Express IT Training - Foundation

The Express IT - Foundational training concentrates in onboarding of the new comers into the IT environment by training on basic programming, infrastructure, and relevant activities.

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The objective of the Express IT Training - Foundational course is to setup the excellent platform for the aspiring software engineers to begin with. Even if you have zero to very minimal knowledge about the software, but interested to become a software engineer, this course will be suitable for you.

What You will Learn

The basic outcome of the course is to make you familiar with the software environment by providing indepth understanding of the concepts, Languags, infrastructure ideas, tools usesd, best practices, etc. This includes the Object Oriented Programming(OOPS), Cloud, DevOps, Agile, etc.

Below are some of the key areas covered in this course:

  • Introduction to Software
  • Object Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Web Application Development (HTML/JS/CSS/.NET/SQL)
  • Agile/DevOps

Once you completed this course, you will be ready to start the web programming with deep understanding of the concepts. And also, you will be familiar with the way the software industry works, and the tools used, processes followed, etc...

Course Syllabus

Syllabus content at a glance
    • OOPS
    • Basic Syntax of Programming
    • IDE & End To End Development
    • Concept of Web Technologies
    • .NET & Javascript technology
    • C#.NET/VB.NET
    • Multi-Tier Architecture
    • Authentication & Authorization
    • Performance Tuning
    • Agile & DevOps introduction
    • Tools - BitBucket, JIRA, Confluence, etc
    • Agile Ceremonies
    • Introduction to Cloud Technologies
    • AWS
    • AZURE
    • Certification Guidance
  • StartsEvery 15th of alternate months
  • Duration2 Months, 6 hrs / week
  • Seats 20/Slot
  • LanguageEnglish/Tamil

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Express IT Training - Advanced

The Express IT - Advanced training is targed to make you an expert in End-to-End activities starting from the requirement gathering, design, development and upto deployment with automation wherever possible.

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The objective of the Express IT Training - Advanced course is to get deeper into the areas of software and fine-tune ourself to become the master of software development.

What You will Learn

The outcome of the course is to make you expert in the software development by giving you hands-on experience on the real time projects which will make you understand each and every part of that..

Below are some of the key areas covered in this course:

  • Modern web development technologies and concepts
  • Single Page Application/Modern Web Application Development Frameworks with .NET
  • Full SQL Development and Performance Tuning
  • DevOps Automation

Once you completed this course, you will have the full indepth knowledge and capable of handling any software development activities in any technologies as you are fully aware of the concepts.

Course Syllabus

Syllabus content at a glance
    • OOPS
    • Full landscape of web application
    • Hands on experience
    • Execution of the project in real agile/scrum
    • Dedicated scrum master
    • Agile ceremonies
    • Metrics
    • Methods of Testing
    • Process/Documentations
    • Automation Testing
    • Deep Dive into AWS
    • Deep Dive into AZURE
    • App Service deployment in AWS/Azure
    • Infrastructure automation